Yoga Classes

Post date: Feb 3, 2017 12:14:35 AM

Yoga is one of the most beneficial complimentary therapies for Parkinson's Disease. Missoula has two weekly yoga classes for neurological health. In these positive, motivated, and fun yoga classes, you’ll work on posture, coordination, balance, flexibility, reduced motion, and cognitive issues. You’ll also explore how the integration of the body, breath, and mind can reduce stress levels and enhance overall health and quality of life.

One class is on Tuesdays, 10:30-11:30 at The Red Willow Learning Center. Scholarships and a sliding scale is available. Click here for more information

The other class is on Thursdays, 10:15-11:15 at the Missoula Senior Center. This class combines yoga and big movements from the Parkinson's Wellness Recovery program. The cost is $5 per class. Please contact Jolyn Ortega at 406-531-7110 or at